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Top Government Policies to double Farmers's Income by 2022

Here are the Several Government Initiatives to double Farmers Income by 2022 : "We are working towards ensuring that the incomes of our hardworking farmers doubles by 2022. For that we are facilitating proper assistance wherever required. We have faith in the farmers of India," - PM Narendra Modi Ji In the agrarian country like India, 70% of its population directly or indirectly depends upon agriculture.  It has  159.7 million hectares (394.6 million acres)  of arable land and is the second largest in the world.It has around 118.7 million farmers and cultivators and 144.3 million agricultural labours (according to 2011 census report).This is how you can imagine the broad size of Indian agricultural market. In such a agriculture ecosystem,   average agriculture household income was Rs 8,931 per month in 2016-17 with an increment of just Rs 2,505 per month in last four years. This picture shows the critical condition of Indian agriculture. So many of t...

Various Technological Innovations to reshape the Indian Agriculture

Here presents several innovative technologies to modify the Indian Agriculture: “Farming is a Profession of Hope” In the present era, many innovative technologies are revolutionizing the Indian agriculture. From the crop monitoring system to the imparting of chemicals by using drones and from predicting the climatic risk to agriculture to the online selling of crops from the field itself ,everything is witnessing the modernisation of Indian agriculture. The IOT (Internet of things) and Artificial intelligence based technologies are completely changing the picture of Indian agriculture. They are emphasizing on increasing the crop yield on the particular area. They are not only increasing the farmers income but also reducing their efforts for farming. Various companies and startups are approaching the farmers for the mission of improving their life. They are encouraging them to implement these technologies on their farms .Our government is fully supporting these start...